
Membership Information

The International Nuclear Law Association is non-profitable scientific and educational organization consisting of approximately 600 members – individuals, spread over 60 countries, who represent international or government agencies, nuclear-oriented corporations and educational institutions, such as universities or think-tanks.

A complete list of members is available in the Membership Roster section. Only registered members have full access to detailed information. Moreover, a Membership Directory in paper form is issued to all members every two years.


Applications to join the Association are welcome from individuals who have demonstrated expertise in the field of nuclear law and associated activities.

Applications must be submitted to the Secretariat and are subsequently referred to the Board of Management for approval.

  • For application submission, it is recommended to use e-application form (see: Join Online), however, applications may also be send by ordinary mail to INLA’s office (see: Contact Us).

Ordinary members shall pay an annual membership fee and shall be subject to the INLA’s Statutes.


Membership benefits include:

  • INLA Updates, providing members with the latest information about oncoming and past events related to nuclear law, as well as experts’ profiles,
  • access to the online Members center with its content exclusive to members, such as members’ contact details and selected files,
  • Membership Directory, issued  in the paper form once every two years,
  • ability to participate in any of the specialised INLA’s Working Groups,
  • preferential terms of participation in Nuclear Inter Jura Congresses organised by INLA,
  • priority to participate in events organised by INLA with limited number of participants,
  • the right to participate in INLA’s General Assembly,
  • and more…
Membership questions?

For all membership and pre-membership enquiries please contact

Telephone number – 0117 307 6336